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How spaces can be adapted to the new teleworking dynamics of companies

Writer's picture: CITYZENCITYZEN

Years ago we were surprised by the ability of computers to replace various elements that were in an office, but reality shows us that now that we are at home because of pandemic issues, we are able to create our telework space.

Not all people succeed in trying to get a suitable space for teleworking. The reason? They do not clarify which space is at home and which one is suitable exclusively for teleworking.

How to create a suitable space for teleworking

If you have arrived here, looking for how to create a space for teleworking, we tell you that you will need to clarify the functions you want to cover and also what you need to be comfortable.

In what way? We will go into detail later, but first of all; it is important to have a computer that is capable enough to fulfill all the functions and activities that were in your office.

Thanks to the amount of technology that today we have at hand, it is not necessary to spend too much money, or beyond the work tools you already have to apply your telework. The best thing to do is to do your work in an office; that will make the way you work much easier.

What is teleworking?

When a person is looking for spaces to telework, you should know that their objective is none other than to continue achieving the objectives and functions of their work life, but remotely.

In the past, Telework was known as "Remote work", but nowadays, the word "Telework" is considered to have the capacity to encompass many more things.

It is important to clarify everything about this type of work. Why? Teleworking spaces can still be filled with stress or workloads, but that should not affect your performance at home or with whom you live with.

Many people yearn to be able to work at home because they consider that these people are more "free of pressures", but it is not so. Activities must be fulfilled as in any other job, and sometimes; this of not having a schedule, can turn into more hours of fixed work.

What should a workspace be like?

A person who is interested in working through teleworking, must take into account that his home will now become part of his place to produce money. Therefore, the place chosen in your home must have little noise and distractions of any kind.

The ideal is to have a space that is comfortable, functional and attractive so that you can try to be productive on a daily basis. It is also recommended that this space should have natural light. It invites to work production, just as if you were at home.

Look for the necessary elements for an office according to the work you are going to do. That way, you will be able to give an efficient and orderly work.

Of course, in telecommuting spaces not everything has to be gray or boring, a person can give a touch of color and texture to your space with what? Curious objects, colors and products that are attractive, but not so big distractions that they prevent you from working (televisions, games, etc.).

Practical teleworking tips to help you concentrate

If you are looking for practical tips to try to concentrate in telecommuting spaces, we recommend you to take a look at these options. If you follow each of them, you will be able to work easily and quickly:

  • Pick up your space when you stop working. The telework space should be quite cozy. It is advisable to place words, pictures and natural plants near your site.

  • Take calls. Don't refuse phone calls, even if you are still working, they can be a break so you can continue working later.

  • Keep your space and that of a third party. If you have a partner, sibling or friend who also works from home, learn to delimit each other's space. If you will listen to music, do it with headphones or other objects.

  • Ventilated spaces. It is important that your telecommuting space is comfortable enough.

  • Drink plenty of water. It is ideal that you have a bottle of water ready to stay hydrated. Many people do not consume as much water because they are at home.

  • Ditch the pajamas. It is a trick that may seem exaggerated, but it works a lot. If you change into formal or work clothes, you will feel more prepared to face the day to day.

  • Play sports. It's ideal to make your telecommuting space work. Although you won't be doing it directly in the office; you will have the chance to clear your mind.

  • Create attractive spaces for your children. Sometimes, it is quite difficult to take on teleworking if you have children. Plan also their activities so that they do not invade your work space.

Benefits of having a telecommuting space

If you are looking for reasons to start producing money from teleworking, we will mention the benefits of adapting to new technologies and ways of working:

  • It helps you avoid mental health problems. Sometimes, the whole issue that means leaving your home, is quite exhausting. If you work from home, you will avoid all these situations.

  • Optimization of space and resources. If you are currently looking to save resources to make the most of the tools you have, telecommuting is an excellent option.

  • Rapport with yourself. Whoever resorts to teleworking, generally complies with self-imposed habits to be productive. Once you master teleworking, you will be able to comply with other habits without any problem.

  • It increases the resolutive capacities. While it is true that in an office you will find many coworkers who will help you solve a problem, through teleworking you have no one. If you learn to solve problems on your own, this will make you much more productive.

As you can see, spaces can be adapted to the work needs that exist today through the web. If you resort to teleworking, with a couple of folders, a laptop and lamps, you will be able to carry out your work life from home.

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